
Seed selection is one of the important decisions required to achieve yield goals. Representing top seed lines in the industry, Logan Agri-Service, Inc. focuses on products developed to meet or exceed customer expectations. Coupled with powerful genetics and proven results of Lewis Hybrids, Stine Seed, and AgriGold, seed specialists at Logan Ag assist growers with selection of trait platforms and seed placement. Our agronomic experience and personal service helps growers maximize yield success in each field. Check the lineup of top-performing corn hybrids and highest-yielding soybean varieties and let us show you the Logan Ag difference. 


The Logan AGRI-YIELD Seed Guard seed treatment system enables Logan Ag to provide customers “best-in-class” treatment options for soybeans. The basic soybean seed treatment program includes fungicide and insecticide plus a Plant Growth Regulator. Available options provide inoculation, Sudden Death Syndrome protection, nematicide, and microbial growth stimulant. In corn, the AGRI-YIELD Overwatch treatment adds microbial growth stimulant as an “overtreat” option.


Small seeds (alfalfa, clover, and warm/cool season grasses) and cover crops (rye, oats, turnips, and radishes) are readily available.  Cattle producers favor the Logan AGRI-YIELD Pasture Pro and Pasture Pro Elite mixtures for renovation and/or new pasture seeding.